Sunday, August 25, 2024


The Latin word "ficus" means "fig." This name distinguishes the gastropod seashell Ficus without hestitation. Its thin shell has a large inflated body whorl and a short spire. The aperture is very long and wide, with a thin outer lip. There is no operculum (“trap door”). The shells of Ficus have a latticed surface consisting of very narrow spiral ribs. Although the overall shape ("fig" or "pear" shape) and sculpture are distinctive, the shells of individual species can closely resemble one another, and it takes a discerning eye to distinguish them. Shell color is yellowish to brown, with a series of darker dots, bands, and/or blotches. The size range of the Ficus shell is about 50 mm to about 160 mm in length. The naming history of Ficus is complex, with many no longer used synonyms.

Front and back views of a specimen of Ficus ventricosa (G.B. Sowerby, I, 2825), height 3 inches, width 1 3/4 inches, from Pacific Panama.

Members of the family Ficidae have been, and still are, warm-water dwellers. They first appeared during the late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian time), but genus Ficus did not evolve until the early Eocene (Squires, 2014, fig. 3). Ficus today occurs principally in the Indo-West Pacific, Caribbean, and Panamic provinces (Verhaeghe and Poppe, 2000).

For an exhaustive list of the geographic distribution of fossil species (including those with a Holocene = recent record), see Squires (2014, table 3). 

Ficus lives today in shallow to deep sand and coral-rubble: most often at a depth of 10 to 20 m although there are a few species that can live at depths as much as 300 m.

The family Ficidae is closely related to some tonnid gastropods, and more research is needed to fully understand this relationship.

Referenes Cited:

Eichhorst, T. 2001. Family Ficidae. American Conchologist 29(1):24-25. 

Squires, R.L. 2014. Fossil record of the ficid gastropods Urosyca, Priscoficus, and Ficus from coastal-western North America: phylogenetic and global paleobiogeographic implications. Contributions in Science 522:1–27.

Verhaeghe, M. and G.T. Poppe. 2000. The Family Ficidae. A conchological iconography. ConchBooks, 30 pp. 

Sunday, August 18, 2024


This current post is a much-needed update of my post of June 22, 2014 (10 years ago). The name “megalodon” is well known to collectors of the world’s largest fossil shark teeth. 

“Megalodon” was previously identified by most workers as Carcharocles megalodon. It is now identified by the experts to be Otodus megalodon (meaning “big tooth). This seems like a minor issue, but to paleontologists, it is important to always have the most correct identification for any fossil.

Otodus megalodon is an extinct species of giant mackerel shark that lived approximately 23 to 3.6 million years ago (equivalent to earliest Miocene to middle Pliocene time).

The body of Otodus megalodon is only known from fragment remains. The most recent estimate of its full body size is a maximum length of about 59 feet = the world’s largest fish (fossil or extant). This shark had wide distribution in shallow-temperate and tropical seas. Teeth from this shark species are especially well known from “Shark Tooth Hill” near Bakersfield, California, the Caribbean region (including Florida and the coastal Carolinas), western Europe, the Mediterranean area, western South America, western Europe, west Africa, India (only very localized), Japan, New Zealand, and South Australia. 

The current classification of this fossil (extinct) shark is:

CLASS: Chondrichthyes

FAMILY Otodontidae

GENUS: Otodus

SPECIES: O. megalodon

The teeth of this shark are heavy, stout, and have a triangular symmetrical shape, with very fine serrations along the sides. Both sides of the tooth bottoms are strongly projected downward. Over the surface of both sides of the teeth, there are some to many distinct, vertical lines aligned with the serrations.

Front and back views of a tooth of Otodus megalodon, 5.25 inches long ("slant length" nearly 5.5 inches); most likely from the Pliocene Towsley Formation in the western San Gabriel Mountains. It was found by a student (Mike P.) who was an avid fossil collector. Just for the fun it, he roamed the heavily vegetated and very steep slopes of the San Gabriel Mountains, just north of the San Fernando Valley, southern California. He had an uncanny ability for being able to fine extremely interesting fossils. He gave me this shark tooth, as well as some other shark teeth that he found, because he knew how much I appreciate fossils.

Otodus megalodon, front view of a tooth 4 inches long ("slant height" nearly 4.5 inches) inches long); Miocene, 20 million years old, Hawthorne Formation?, coastal South Carolina.

Otodus megalodon, front view of a tooth 1.9 inches long ("slant height" nearly 2 inches long); Miocene, 15 million years old, Bone Valley sediments, Fort Meyer, Florida. 


Dupra, D. L. 1985. Sharktooth Hill. California Geology, July issue, pp. 147-154.

Kelley, K.V., Jr. 1971. Kelley’s guide to fossil sharks. Second edition. M & M Printing, Ruskin, Florida, 38 pp.

Wikipedia, 2024.


Saturday, August 10, 2024


Some things one can never forget, especially when they “repeat themselves.” A case in point: two strong earthquakes that I personally experienced. Both took place in the northern San Fernando Valley of southern California. 

The first quake, the so-called “Sylmar Quake” (magnitude 6.4 to 6.5) occurred at 6 am on Feb. 9, 1971. It lasted 60 seconds. Sixty-four people were killed, and there was 5 to 1 billion dollars in damage. The fault was a “thrust fault” that reached the ground surface and locally caused fault scarps. There was displacement of railroad tracks, earthslides, collapsed parking structures, twisted support-columns/beams, collapsed apartment houses, water-line breaks, sink holes, collapsed bridges and overpasses, transformers toppled, library books and grocery-store stock thrown from their shelves. [Note: The epicenter (point of origin) of this earthquake is located in the mountains located several miles north of the San Fernando Valley]. Most of what I know about the damages associated with this quake are derived from the literature. Several very informative “papers” that provided much geologic detail about this quake are the following:

The San Fernando, California Earthquake of February 9, 1971. United States Geological Survey Professional Paper 733, 254 pp.

 Jennings, P.C., editor. 1971. Engineering features of the San Fernando Earthquake. California Institute of Techonology Report EER71-02, 512 pp. [this publication has many photographs showing damage!)

San Fernando, California Earthquake of 9 February, 1971. California Division of Mines and Geology Bulletin 196, 463 pp. (with foldout geologic map).

The second quake, the so-called “Northridge Quake” (magnitude 6.7 to 6.8) occurred at 4:31 am on Jan. 17, 1994. It lasted 10 to 20 seconds. Fifty-seven to 60 people were killed, including some students (a few of them attended Cal State University) living in apartments near the university. Approximately a total of 8700 people were injured. It was a very costly earthquake, as it resulted in damages between 13 and 15 billion dollars. The fault was also a “thrust fault,” but it did not reach the ground surface and remained deep underground 11.31 miles (18 to 20 km) below the ground surface. This kind of fault is commonly referred to as a “blind thrust fault.” The kinds of damage were just like those or very similar to those associated with the “Sylmar Quake.” With the second quake, there was new potential for damage to computers and printers simply placed (without restraints on table tops). Although both quakes are not all that strong on the “Richter Magnitude Scale,” but both affected very populated areas. [Note: The epicenter (point of origin) of this earthquake is actually located in the city of Reseda, which is just south of Northridge. The name “Northridge quake” was commonly used by the news media]. 

I was a graduate student at Caltech in Pasadena when the “Sylmar Quake” occurred. At that time, I was not well acquainted with the local geography. I was not a homeowner, and I did not experience any hardships. But, this was the first earthquake I had ever experienced. It woke me up, and I watched my clothes swing on their hangers in my closet. I saw some loose concrete when I walked to my campus “lab,” where I discovered than some large glass jars which had been stored on tall shelves had fallen to the ground and spilled formaldehyde all over the place. Not a good day

I was a professor of geology/paleontology at Cal State University Northridge during the “Northridge Quake.”  I lived about 23 miles to the north in the Saugus area. When I was eventually allowed to visit my office, I was shocked at the amount of damage. Only my heavy metal desk was still where it was supposed to be. Just about every thing else was displaced. A tall bookcase on the east wall was torn loose from the wall it was bolted to! The bolts ripped out, leaving large holes in the wall.

All the books in my bookcases were in piles on the floor. Luckily, my desktop computer was upright and in place. I could not see the floor of my office, however, because of all the books that had been “tossed” onto it. I walked across them, and I kept my balance by to placing my hands on the ceiling, so as not to fall down. I was given only an hour then, and another hour later in the week, to search my office for critical items. The entire building was then officially “sealed up” and was put under the auspices of the National Guard. Shortly thereafter, FEMA workers (federally financed) came in and attempted to “clean” up our offices by throwing everything into boxes. Eventually, professors were allowed to return to their offices. For many months, we had to use trailers instead of our offices. The trailers were brought in from all over California. Our classrooms were in a multi-storied building elsewhere on campus. They too had sustained some damage: cracked concrete walls and damaged floor tiles. Also the heating system was no longer working, so for one semester we had to wear winter coats to class.

My house is located 23 miles to the north of the Cal State Northridge campus. Damage in that particular area was considerably less than that in Reseda/Northridge area although the main north to south freeway (I-5) that linked Northridge to Santa Clarita had to undergo considerable repair (e.g., collapsed overpasses). These repairs were done over a short interval, but it required intense, working around-the-clock for several days/weeks. 

The most common type of damage in both Northridge and Santa Clarita was the collapse of concrete-block fences that lacked rebar reinforcement.

Interestingly, I know of no official published reports of the “Northridge Quake.” I guess the papers associated with the 1971 quake pretty covered the subject, including examples of damage.

I would like to stress just how similar these two quakes were. Undoubtedly, there will be more like them in the future. The reasons are that they occur in the same geologic setting; namely, a dynamic and still evolving “story” involving complicated tectonic movements along the complex San Andreas Fault System that have “sliced and diced the rocks” since middle Cenozoic time and will continue to do so in the future. Note: Ever since the “Northridge Quake,” I have secured my desktop computer so that is can’t fall and hit the floor. One of my more simple solutions is to place the equipment on a table that has wheels. When the quake hits, the table will move back and forth, but the computer is not likely to fall off.  Most people are amused by my abundance of caution, but once “burned,” forever learned!

Map showing the closely adjacent locations of the “Sylmar” and “Northridge” areas. Epicenter (blue dot) of the Sylmar Quake. Epicenter (red dot) of the Northridge quake.


Front ends of cars crushed by the collapsed floor of the apartment complex.

More crushed cars.

As you can see, collapsed apartment buildings were commonplace.

Walls of an apartment complex just west of the CSUN campus fell off!


Map showing the types of damages and the main areas where they occurred.

One of the most iconic areas of damage in Northridge was the “brand new” student-parking structure at Cal State University. It cost plenty of money and was scheduled to be start being used, one week or so before the earthquake hit.

Front view of the "rolled over" parking structure (see previous image).

A collapsed stairwell along one side of the parking structure.

A completely damaged hospital building in Northridge.

Partially collapsed apartment buildings immediately east of the Cal State University campus. The left side of the building used to be three stories high, but the earthquake caused the building to become only two stories high!:

Twisted support column underneath the Foothill freeway on the north side of Northridge.

I did some research and found that there was a third similar historic quake that occurred in this particular area, which is locally known as the Mentryville (aka Mintryville) ranch house located a few miles immediately west of Santa Clarita (aka Saugus). This quake occurred on April 4, 1893 at approximately noon. There was just one main shockwave, and it lasted 10 to 15 seconds. Damage was sparse because the area was ranch land. There were no deaths reported, but back then only a few people lived there. There were many landslides, however.

Friday, August 2, 2024


Arapaima gigas, also known as piraruca, or simply arapaima, is the second largest freshwater fish in the world, only exceeded by the sturgeon. Arapaima are massive yet streamlined fish that are typically 79 in (200 cm) or so in length, but reportedly can be up to 450 cm (15 ft) in length! Adults may weigh up to 440 pounds (200 kg). They are very aggressive carnivorous animals. They mainly eat other fish and also crustaceans. The fossil record of arapaima is known from as early as the early Miocene (23 m.y.a). They belong to Class Actinopterygii and family Osteoglossidae fish (Wikipedia, 2024).

Side view of an adult Arapaima gigas. The red (sometimes yellow or partly yellow) coloration is found only in the posterior half of this animal is variable in its intensity (from barely perceptible to strongly red). 

Exterior and interior views of a scale (about 7 cm long and 3 cm wide) from an adult arapaima fish. The scales are curved inward. They are used as “nail files,” and they seem to be stronger than emery boards. The scale that I have “works like a charm." Plus, they have three grinding surfaces: most of the exterior is for regular use; the wider part of the exterior is for heavy duty usage, whereas the inside of these scales have a much finer grinding surface. Also, they are quite resistant to breakage. The shoe-horn like surface can be used to remove callouses, just like a pumice stone does. The narrow end can be used to push back cuticles. They are used also for jewelry and decorations by the local tribes. These “armor like” scales have  outer mineralized layer and a tough inner layer, both of which serve as protection against pirana fish, which live in the same waters. 

Arapaima fish are native to Brazil, Bolivia, Guyana, and Peru, all of which are in the basin of the Amazon River in South America. The local name of pirarucu is derived from an indigenous word for “red fish,” probably because of the red flecks on the tail of the fish, or because of the reddish-orange color of its meat. Most of the body, however, can be silver in color, with only some red color on the tail area. 

This fish has been introduced (i.e., it is an invasive fish there) also into  parts of East Asia.

This fish is an obligate air breather, thus it needs to come to the surface to breathe. As a consequence, this fish has been heavily impacted by overfishing because it is relatively easy to catch. There are some interesting and informative videos on the “YouTube” channel showing fishermen catching this large fish. Arapaima fish are safe to eat and reportedly have a “good taste.” Their scales are coated in slime that can be difficult to remove and can also cause skin irritation.


Wikipedia. 2024.

YouTube videos. 2024.